mport re def convert_text(in_body): ''' You can call convert_text directly to convert shpaml markup to HTML markup. ''' return convert_shpaml_tree(in_body) PASS_SYNTAX = 'PASS' TAG_WHITESPACE_ATTRS = '(\S+)(s*?)(.*)' TAG_AND_ID = '(.*)#(.*)' DOT_FOR_CLASSES = '.' DIV_SHORTCUT = '[\.#]' def syntax(regex): def wrap(f): f.regex = regex return f return wrap @syntax('(\s*)(.*)') def INDENT(m): prefix, line = m.groups() line = line.rstrip() if line == '': prefix = '' return prefix, line @syntax('^([<{]\S.*)') def RAW_HTML(m): return @syntax('^\| (.*)') def TEXT(m): return @syntax('(.*?) > (.*)') def OUTER_CLOSING_TAG(m): tag, text = m.groups() text = convert_line(text) return enclose_tag(tag, text) @syntax('(.*) \| (.*)') def TEXT_ENCLOSING_TAG(m): tag, text = m.groups() return enclose_tag(tag, text) @syntax('> (.*)') def SELF_CLOSING_TAG(m): tag = return '<%s />' % tag @syntax('(.*)') def RAW_TEXT(m): return LINE_METHODS = [ RAW_HTML, TEXT, OUTER_CLOSING_TAG, TEXT_ENCLOSING_TAG, SELF_CLOSING_TAG, RAW_TEXT, ] def convert_shpaml_tree(in_body): return convert_document(in_body, branch_method=html_block_tag, leaf_method=convert_line, pass_syntax=PASS_SYNTAX, indentation_method=find_indentation) def html_block_tag(line): if re.match(RAW_HTML.regex, line): return (line, None) else: markup = line start_tag, end_tag = apply_jquery_sugar(markup) return (start_tag, end_tag) def convert_line(line): line = line.strip() for method in LINE_METHODS: m = re.match(method.regex, line) if m: return method(m) def apply_jquery_sugar(markup): if re.match(DIV_SHORTCUT, markup): markup = 'div' + markup tag, whitespace, attrs = re.match(TAG_WHITESPACE_ATTRS, markup).groups() tag, id_ = tag_and_id(tag) tag, classes = tag_and_classes(tag) if classes: attrs += ' class="%s"' % classes if id_: attrs += ' id="%s"' % id_ start_tag = tag + whitespace + attrs return ('<%s>' % start_tag, '' % tag) def tag_and_id(tag): m = re.match(TAG_AND_ID, tag) if m: return m.groups() else: return tag, None def tag_and_classes(tag): frags = tag.split(DOT_FOR_CLASSES) tag = frags[0] classes = ' '.join(frags[1:]) return tag, classes def enclose_tag(tag, text): start_tag, end_tag = apply_jquery_sugar(tag) return start_tag + text + end_tag def find_indentation(line): return INDENT(re.match(INDENT.regex, line)) ############ Generic indentation stuff follows class Indenter: def __init__(self): self.stack = [] self.lines = [] def push(self, prefix, start, end): self.add(prefix, start) self.stack.append((prefix, end)) def add(self, prefix, line): self.pop(prefix) self.insert(prefix, line) def insert(self, prefix, line): self.lines.append(prefix+line) def pop(self, prefix): while self.stack: start_prefix, end = self.stack[-1] if len(prefix) <= len(start_prefix): self.close_block(start_prefix, end) self.stack.pop() else: return def close_block(self, start_prefix, end): whitespace_lines = pop_whitespace(self.lines) self.insert(start_prefix, end) self.lines += whitespace_lines def body(self): self.pop('') return '\n'.join(self.lines) def convert_document(in_body, branch_method, leaf_method, pass_syntax, indentation_method): indenter = Indenter() for prefix, line, kind in get_lines(in_body, indentation_method): if kind == 'branch': start, end = branch_method(line) if end: indenter.push(prefix, start, end) else: indenter.add(prefix, start) elif kind == 'leaf': if line == pass_syntax: indenter.pop(prefix) else: line = leaf_method(line) indenter.add(prefix, line) else: indenter.insert('', line) return indenter.body() def get_prefixed_lines(in_body, indentation_method): #lines = in_body.split('\n') lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in in_body] return [indentation_method(line) for line in lines] def get_lines(in_body, indentation_method): ''' Splits out lines from a file and identifies whether lines are branches, leafs, or blanks. ''' prefixed_lines = get_prefixed_lines(in_body, indentation_method) lookaheads = [len(prefix) for prefix, line in prefixed_lines if line] lookaheads.pop(0) lookaheads.append(None) lines = [] for prefix, line in prefixed_lines: if line: follower_length = lookaheads.pop(0) if follower_length is None: kind = 'leaf' elif follower_length <= len(prefix): kind = 'leaf' else: kind = 'branch' else: kind = 'blank' lines.append((prefix, line, kind)) return lines def pop_whitespace(lines): whitespace_lines = [] while lines and lines[-1] == '': whitespace_lines.append(lines.pop()) return whitespace_lines if __name__ == "__main__": # if file name is given convert file, else convert stdin import sys syslen = len(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) == 2: shpaml_text = open(sys.argv[1]) #shpaml_text = list(shpaml_s) else: shpaml_text = print (sys.argv[1]) #print (convert_text("") ) pri