{%extends 'base.shpaml'%} {%load paginator%} {% block title %}{% if not category_obj %}Belcanto.ru — классическая музыка, опера и балет{% else %}{% if category_obj.name != 'Новости' %}{{category_obj.name}} | {% endif %}Новости{% endif %} | Belcanto.ru{% endblock %} {%block dopmenu%} {%include "include/_dopmenu.shpaml" with data=categorys name=category_obj.name%} {%endblock%} {%block main%}

{{ "category_obj.name}}

{% for post in posts %}{%include "include/_news_post.shpaml" with image_width="120" image_source=post.main_image.thumbnail130 %}{% endfor %}
{%if category_name == 'news'%} {%url 'news_page' as url_news%} {%include 'include/_see_more.html' with sm_title='Новости' sm_objects=important_list sm_href=url_news sm_date='true'%} {% endif %} {%if category_name != 'news'%} {%url 'news_category_page' 'news' as url_news%} {%include 'include/_see_more.html' with sm_title='Коротко о важном' sm_objects=important_list sm_href=url_news sm_date='true'%} {% endif %} {%include 'include/_reklama_205.shpaml'%}
{%if paginator.num_pages > 1%}
{%spaceless {%paginator paginator page maxl=maxl%} %}
{% endif %}